A Story About A Struggling Girl

Yesterday, my heart broke for a new client that came in to see me. I woke up at 6am in the morning and looked at my emails and in my inbox was a new client appointment for 1:30pm later in the day. She wrote a long description as to what she was struggling with. It was a long list. Sprinkled in to that message was “I already saw a psychic that didn’t help me”.

That tipped me off right away. She booked my least expensive session. The session is for 45 minutes and meant for a quick ‘clean up’ of the energy body. Based on what she wrote, I thought “Should I text her and let her know that I may not be able to support her needs?”

She had also included she was really on a budget and I instantly felt for her as I always do because I was once her. A struggling girl looking for insight and help on a very tight budget. I hesitated to text her because I didn’t want her to think that I was trying to ‘upsell’ her as many psychics and intuitive’s trap people in to doing. Inexpensive card or palm reading for $10 or $25 leads to $500 and up cleansing treatment.

But my intuition told me, this girl really needs some help and guidance and you aren’t going to be able to give it to her in 45 minutes but she really needs you. So I decided to text her and see what her ultimate goals were and suggest that she come in for a longer session and explained why. I took a chance of losing her. She was open and willing but she said this was the last time she was going to try something like this.

No pressure on me. LOL.

I told her that if she was on a really tight budget, I would do what I could in 45 minutes but she agreed to take a chance on me and we booked a two hour session.

Lovely lovely woman. The minute she walked in to my office, I could feel the kindness radiating from her. I could also feel that she was just desperate for help, insight, and direction. I hope that by the end of the session, I was able to help her with that. All of the intuitive insight I channeled and the cards I pulled indicated that she’s exactly where she needs to be. It was just a lot of guilt and unrealistic expectations she was putting on herself.

‘Life is a marathon, not a sprint.’ She was just trudging uphill and that takes time and can be very difficult at times. That really was the overall theme of her session but she had a lot fearful thoughts and feelings that she needed help to release and redirect.


Early on in the session, her experiences with the other psychics came up but she glossed over it because I could tell she was uncomfortable about it so I didn’t press her about it but my intuition was prodding me to ask her about it so I did. I first asked what happened in those sessions and she explained that the first one told her that her chakras were all over the place and that she could perform some sort of energy ritual to clear them up and that should clear up all her ‘bad luck’ and anxiety.

It didn’t.

So then she went to another one that told her the same thing but also added that she had a black aura around her and that there was some sort of female energy surrounding that was causing it. The psychic than proceeded to offer another service to ‘clear it up’. This time my client said no.

Good girl! Followed her intuition on that one.

I was then guided to ask her how much she paid for these sessions. She started crying.

I leaned in, folded my hands, took a deep breath and said:

“It’s OK. You are not stupid. It’s OK. You spent the money. You didn’t do anything wrong and you need to forgive yourself. You were hurting. You were struggling. I’ve been there. When we do that, we get frantic and desperate and vulnerable. It’s OK. It’s in the past and in the end it led you to me! Wipe the slate clean. We are going to clear the table of the past and start new.”

She was so embarrassed and felt so guilty and hopefully letting her know she was in a safe space to just let it all out without shame, judgment, guilt, and blame helped her to release it so she could receive my messaging clearly. She proceeded to tell me that the first psychic charged her $1600 and the second $600 for the initial consultation but wanted to charge her more to do a cleansing.

I was so upset as often I am when I hear stories like this because it isn’t the first and it won’t be the last.

The rest of her session was really focused on where she was beating herself up. Her heart chakra was really imbalanced because of all the voices in her head that were telling her everything was her fault. I think; I hope I was able to clear that up for her because everything that came up in her session was focused on all the positive change she made and it was just a matter of her giving herself nurturing, self care, forgiveness, patience, self love and a lot of grace and space in the process.

We all make mistakes. We all fall down but most of the time we get up. Making mistakes is really just information gathering. We learn from our mistakes and when we find ourselves in struggle again, hopefully we take what we learn; the information we’ve gathered from the past and used it to make the next go around easier to get through.

One mistake can lead to another mistake then to another and so on and so forth if we aren’t brutally honest about how we contributed to it in the first place, it all can lead us feeling so stuck and so desperate that we will use or do ANYTHING to fix it and sometimes the simple solution is right in front of us waiting to be seen.

FORGIVENESS. We are all vulnerable. We are all imperfectly perfect and that’s a beautiful thing we need not feel shamed about. Shame, blame, judgement, and guilt lead to more of the same until you can’t see straight.

Two hours later after we met and at a fraction of the cost, through me, her guides brought her the insight and guidance she needed. I supported her through this part of her journey using my own intuition and knowledge and hopefully today, she is feeling more clear and less guilty and able to walk through today and tomorrow with less of a weight on her shoulders.

Any intuitive, medium, crystal healer, or energy intuitive practitioner should be using their abilities to help you to connect to yours. They should be empowering you and not the opposite. If one gives you fearful information and wants to charge you an arm and a leg to fix it or clear it, say no thank you and go home. Maybe the practitioner really believes in what they are presenting but I can tell you from personal experience, no spiritualist can just fix you or tell you the future and make all your problems go away in 30 minutes or 2 hours. If they could, there would be a lot of wildly successful individuals out there and these types of methods would be accepted by all humans.

Energy, intuition, intuitive intelligence… I believe it’s all real but know first you are the master of your own domain and someone like me should just be a support system, teacher, guide, and interpreter. Be discerning about who you choose to guide you. If you see a red flag, don’t ignore it. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and energy. If you don’t ignore it, learn from it. It’s OK.

If today you are struggling like that girl was when she reached out to me, know you aren’t alone. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Forgive yourself. This life isn’t easy. It's a journey and the enlightenment you seek is all within. If you take a moment to stop looking for it outside of yourself, you may get a glimpse into the endless possibilities that YOU have the power to create by just spending more time tending to your internal environment instead of trying to control the exterior. If you quiet all the noise, the messages will come.

Be well and at peace my friends.



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